Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

An article submitted for publication should be actually presented at the MELOW Conference or it may be submitted in response to an issued open-call for submission. Any paper submitted to MEJO should be an original scholarly work, not presented or published elsewhere.

All papers submitted for publication will be peer-reviewed and the decision of the reviewers will be final. The guidelines for documentation are as follow:

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically typed in Microsoft Word (Times New Roman 12 font) in double spacing with 1” margin on both sides of the page. E-mail id for submission of manuscripts is

The article should follow the MLA Handbook format (9th edition) wherein all references are placed in the body of the text (e.g. Hassan 15 or Toffler xi) with an alphabetically arranged “Works Cited” list at the end. Kindly note, reference footnotes/endnotes are not permissible. Articles not following this format of documentation will be summarily rejected. Some sample entries:

A Book

Handlin, Oscar. The Uprooted. Little Brown, 1973. (the city of publication is not to be given)

An Essay in a Book Collection

Copeland, Edward. “Money” The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen, edited by Copeland and Juliet McMaster, Cambridge UP, 1997, pp. 131-48. (please use UP for University Press)

An Essay in a Journal

Kincaid, Jamaica. “In History.”Callaloo, vol. 24, no. 2, Spring 2001, pp. 620-26.

When a Source Has Two Authors

Dorris, Michael, and Louise Erdrich. The Crown of Columbus. Harper Collins Publishers, 1999.

A Video on a Web Site

“Curiosity Rover Report (August 2015): Three Years on Mars!” NASA’s Journey to Mars: Videos, edited by Sarah Loff, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 30 July 2015,

A Journal Article Retrieved from a Database

Lorensen, Jutta. “Between Image and Word, Color, and Time: Jacob Lawrence’s The Migration Series. "African American Review, vol.40, no.3, 2006, pp.571-86. EBSCOHost, ehost-live.