Saidul Haque
Cartooning the Colony, Empowering the Empire: A Study of Punch Cartoons (ISM Award-winning essay)
Post-catastrophe Futuristic Scenarios: A Perspective upon Aldous Huxley’s Ape and Essence (1948)
K.B. Razdan
‘Being Violent’: Critiquing Masculinity and Capitalism in Joyce Carol Oates’s Zombie
Payel Pal
Sam Shepard’s “Curse of The Starving Class”: The Contemporary Family and The ‘Curse’ of the American Dream
Dr. Galawezh I. Muhiadeen
Many Stories, Many lessons: the Plurality of Draupadi, Sita and Ahalya
Benu Verma
Gendering the Genre: Interrogating the Fairytales of Colonial Bengal
Sarani Roy
“ I find thy cunning seeds, O million murdering Death”: Western Science, Indian Climes in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome
Sakoon N Singh
Literature as Social Agenda: The Poetry of Temsula Ao
Neeraj Sankhyan and Suman
Book Review: T. S Eliot: Poems. Eds. Christopher Ricks and Jim McCue
Hugh Foley