Tej N Dhar
ISM Awarded Paper Mnemonic Maps of an Imagined Home: Exploring Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities
Neepa Sarkar
Pictures of Native Nature in Old-Polish Literature (XVI-XVIII)
Daniel Kalinowski
That Funny, Nomadic Boy: Interrogating the Function of Intersecting Spaces in Funny Boy
Tarun Deep Singh
Academia as a Site of Feminist Heterotopia in Carolyn Heilbrun’s Death in a Tenured Position
Sangeeta Singh
Configurating the Spatial in Anita Desai’s Novels: A Study Through Imagery
Ranjita Pati
Space and Gender Politics: A Re-Reading of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
Manpreet Kaur Kang
Problematizing Nostalgia: A Study of Selected Short Stories on Bengal Partition
Barnali Saha
That ‘Indian’ Girl Strolling on the Streets of Europe: Conjecturing and Decoding the Flaneuse in Vikas Bahl’s Queen
Rachit Verma
From the ‘Real’ to the ‘Hyperreal’: A Study of the Postmodern and Dystopian Cityscape in Ruchir Joshi’s The Last Jet-Engine Laugh and Prayaag Akbar’s Leila
Pallabee Dasgupta
(Re) Creating Eden: Ecology and War in Romesh Gunesekera’s Heaven’s Edge
Somjeeta Pandey