Manuel Broncano
Examining the Personal Accounts of Takeda and Qureshi as Literature and History
Ui Teramoto
A Postethnic Revisiting of History in Rita Dove’s The Yellow House on the Corner and Thomas and Beulah
Lekha Roy
History/Herstory: Mata Hari and "Madeleine" Noor
Nilakshi Roy and Preeta Nilesh
Recovering Her-Story of Islamic Revolution: A Critical Analysis of Selected Memoirs of Diasporic Iranian Women
Navdeep Kahol
We All Bleed History: Alternative Historical Viewpoints Expressed in Maus, All Quiet on the Western Front and Schindler's List
Sayan Mukherjee
Facticity and Fictionality: Mahesh Dattani’s Where Did I Leave My Purdah?
Monika Kaushik and Suman Sigroha
From the Margins to the Centre: Translation of Folk, Legend and History in The Restless Quest by JP Cross
Suman Sharma
Voices from the Margins: Her-Story in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things
Shishu Bala and Suman Sigroha
Negotiating Contours of Colonial Violence: Applying Fanon’s Studies to Caryl Phillip’s Crossing the River and Jane Harrison’s Stolen
Hem Raj Bansal
Representation of History in Kuntala Kumari Sabat’s Fiction: Revisiting The Woman with Nine Voices and Raghu, the Orphan
Mary Mohanty
Fiction as Social History: A Study of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle as a History from the Other Side
Harsh Bhardwaj
Gender Dynamics: Struggle of Women in the Black Panther Party
Srishti Sehgal and Rohit Phutela
Revisiting History Through Memory: A Study of Nawal El Saadawi’s Memoirs from a Women’s Prison
Ekjot Kaur