Ethical Policy

Ethical Policy

To avoid the contingency of research-related malpractices, the MELOW Journal of World Literature (ISSN: 2581-5768) follows strict ethical guidelines. An article submitted for publication can either be presented at the MELOW Conference or it can be an original scholarly work, not presented or published elsewhere. The article should also comply with the given theme of Call For Papers.

Fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of research findings are considered inappropriate under all circumstances.


All contributing authors must acknowledge and cite complete academic/non-academic resources they have accessed for their paper. 

Papers must include names of authors, co-authors, and acknowledge all those who have contributed to it significantly.


Any manuscript submitted to MEJO undergoes a plagiarism test using the Turnitin antiplagiarism software.

Plagiarism, including reproducing text from other published papers/texts or producing more than one text with similar or synonymous content by the same author, is not accepted.

MEJO follows a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism or plagiarized text.

Plagiarism Complaints

A person commits plagiarism by using another author's work without permission, attribution, or acknowledgement from the author. There are many forms of plagiarism, from formal plagiarism to paraphrasing another's work.

In case of a complaint of plagiarism, the journal editor will inform the corresponding (or complained-about) author that an investigation of the matter will be conducted based on the grievance. Subsequently, a thorough comparison of relevant texts (side-by-side comparison) or an in-depth perusal of the document will ensue. The editor and a team of editorial members would perform the task of addressing all plagiarism-related complaints swiftly. If plagiarism is detected, an author will be asked to retract an article.

Author Fees

The MELOW Journal of World Literature does not charge authors fees for processing or publication of material in the journal.

Publishing Schedule

The MELOW Journal of World Literature is an electronic-based journal published annually.


The MELOW Journal of World Literature is an open-access, peer-reviewed, e-based journal.


In order to make journal articles permanently accessible, all published articles at MEJO are deposited in a digital archive available at the website.

Authorship Complaints

Crediting every author of a contribution is crucial. Also, it is equally critical that someone should not be falsely identified as an author.

Simultaneous Submission

When a manuscript is submitted simultaneously to two or more journals without telling the editor of one or more of them where the manuscript has been submitted, it is referred to as simultaneous submission. A duplicate publication is when an article has been published in another journal, while a simultaneous submission is when an article is currently being reviewed by another journal. The MELOW Journal of World Literature follows a strict policy of not allowing/ accepting simultaneous submissions or duplicate submissions.

Any article submitted to MEJO must not be under consideration elsewhere. 

In exceptional cases, an article submitted elsewhere may be considered for publication if a formal letter of withdrawal from the other journal, signed and approved by the editor of that journal is submitted.

Research Results Guidelines

MEJO is dedicated to disseminating original research and methods; we welcome articles in the social sciences and humanities that contribute to academic knowledge and add to the existing body of theoretical and critical framework of the genre or school of thought.

There is a strong expectation at MEJO that authors conform to best practices in publication ethics, including the rules regarding authorship, dual publication, plagiarism, and figure manipulation.

For more details about The MELOW Journal of world Literature expectations or for any concern please contact our Editor-in-chief at

All submitted work should strictly follow MLA format and for further reference, they may log onto the MLA website for an in-depth understanding of MLA formatting and MLA’s rules and regulations.

Misappropriation Guidelines

Allegations of research errors, fraud, research standard violations and misappropriation are taken seriously by MEJO. The editorial committee will take strict action if such cases are brought to the notice of the committee. Further, MEJO maintains diversity and inclusiveness in its review panel to maintain an ethical standard of review. 

Reviewer Bias

Peer reviewers with obvious conflicts of interest, for example, if they belong to the same institution or department as any of the authors whose work they are assessing, will not be selected for the reviewing process. 

Further, there may be instances when authors might provide editors with the names of people they do not want to review a manuscript with due to potential conflicts of interest, usually professional. It is important for editors to have sufficient information to determine whether to honour such requests, so they should ask for an explanation or justification when possible.

Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest

Throughout the peer-review process and in editorial decision-making, the credibility of published articles depends in part on how efficiently conflict of interest is handled. A conflict of interest is present whenever an author or reviewer has personal interests (financial or otherwise) that influence his or her activities improperly.

If such a case should arise, the complainant author has to provide an explanation that is reasonable in the editor's view. If the person, however, fails to provide such an explanation then the matter will likely be referred to the academic unit or to any other relevant institution or agency funding or attesting the research.


Peer Review

At MEJO we are committed to prompt review and publication of accepted papers. To maintain a high standard of publication, all submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review process and the decisions of the reviewers are regarded as final. The peer-review process is confidential and the identities of reviewers are not revealed to authors.


In case, you have any query, concern or question about the publication policies at MEJO, you may contact:


Manpreet Kaur Kang, Dean, University School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of English, Guru Gobind Singh IP University, Delhi


Barnali Saha, Assistant Professor, VIPS, Delhi
Srishti Sharma, Research Scholar, GGSIPU, New Delhi